Susan (Teri Hatcher) was having a hard time being mom and dad to MJ (Mason Vale Cotton). When she found out about the soapbox derby at MJ’s school, Susan insisted on building him a racer herself. How did MJ thank his mom for all her hard work? By pushing the car into oncoming traffic, of course! (Seriously, if he wasn’t so damn cute, I would tell MJ to learn some manners. Most of the time, he treats Susan like crap.) MJ explained how everyone at school already looked at him differently because his dad died; he didn’t want to make things worse by being the only kid at the soapbox derby with his mom. In the end, Susan realized it’s okay to ask for help, and she enlisted the guys in the neighborhood to work with MJ on his racer.
Meanwhile, Gabrielle (Eva Longoria) continued settling into the role of breadwinner. When Doris Hammond (guest star Doris Roberts), an elderly widow, showed up at Cumberly’s looking for a personal shopper, Gabrielle thought she hit the jackpot. But when Gaby invited Doris home to butter her up, Carlos (Ricardo Chavira) saw dollar signs for his foundation. After Carlos slipped her a pamphlet, Doris decided to forget about shopping and donate her money to charity. Not one to give up without a fight, Gabrielle played dirty, ultimately ruining both her and her husband’s chances of getting the old bag’s money. Carlos confronted her, but Gaby fired right back at him, accusing Carlos of being a shark, just like her. That’s when Carlos told her he doesn’t want to be that person anymore. Uh oh. Why do I have a feeling things are only going to get worse between these two?
All the while, Bree (Marcia Cross) was awaiting her court date. (Was anyone else wondering where Bree’s friends were? It’s not like she’s putting her neck out on the line for them or anything. Oh wait, she is.) At her pretrial, the prosecution threw Bree’s lawyer, Trip Weston (guest star Scott Bakula), a curveball when they began dredging up her recent — how to put this nicely? — skankiness. Out of court, Trip demanded Bree be honest with him about her past. Bree initially refused, but when Trip began spilling his own embarrassing secrets, she opened up to him. Later on, with a little help from the girls, Bree realized she had the hots for Trip. How long before she hops into bed with him? We’ll have to wait and see!
Of all the ladies, Lynette (Felicity Huffman) had the juiciest storyline of the week. Unfortunately, that’s not saying much. After spotting Tom (Doug Savant) mackin’ on Jane, Lynette reluctantly agreed to go out with Greg, Tom’s skeevy boss. To her delight, Lynette soon realized she could use her relationship with Greg to her advantage. Greg, who was divorced himself, was more than happy to help Lynette sabotage Tom’s relationship with Jane by making Tom work long hours at the office. While Lynette was busy marvelling at their handiwork, she failed to notice Greg was falling for her — hard. On their next date, Greg informed Lynette Tom and Jane were on the rocks — and he was sending Tom to India for year. Bet you didn’t see that one coming, Lynette!
What did you think of this week’s episode? Do you think Tom will move to India? Will Carlos and Gaby’s marriage survive? Will Bree be convicted of murdering Alejandro? See you in the comments section!
— Josh Rosenblatt