How old is Jerome Boger? When is Jerome Boger's birthday? Where is Jerome Boger born? Where did Jerome Boger grow up from? What's Jerome Boger's age?
Jerome Boger Born: July 1, 1955 (age 67years), Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Does Jerome Boger have any children? What are the names of Jerome Boger's children? What are the ages of Jerome Boger's children?
Jerome Boger Children: Tra Boger
How about Jerome Boger's education?
Jerome Boger Education: Morehouse College
Is Jerome Boger still a NFL referee?
Jerome Boger retires after 19 seasons as an NFL official, which included one Super Bowl. Tom Brady may be the most notable retirement of the 2023 NFL offseason, but the football world saw another big name hang up the cleats for good this week.
Did Jerome Boger retire?
\u201cBoger retires after 19 NFL seasons. He worked as a line judge and, starting in 2006, referee. He wore number 109 to start his career at line judge and switched to number 23 when he became a referee \u2013 to honor retired official and mentor Johnny Grier.
What does Jerome Boger do?
He later played defensive back in the Canadian Football League, and currently is an NFL official working as a line judge. Boger resides in Conyers, Georgia. Outside of officiating, he worked as an underwriter for Allstate Insurance in Atlanta.